Weight Lose Ticker

Sunday 11 July 2010

Shall Gives These Ways A Try (post in Mandarin)

I read this in a forum. Can be a warning advice and good advice for dieting.

(Protein Diet) - Not recommend as too much may cause hormone inbalance.

(Drink cider vineger) - Recommended. It can cleanse your guts.

(Digestive Biscuit Diet) - ??? not sure about this but Jolin Tsai did this. Anyway I'm already drinking my soya milk shake every morning. But one part in here mention to eat mild protein food like tofu at night so when you're sleeping your body is repairing the wear and tear in the body. Doubtful but free to try yourself.
(Rice porridge diet) - Can make you feel full at the same time intake less amount of rice. I shall try this. Warning diabetes people are not good to have rice porridge.

(Toast diet) - Two pieces each meal for two weeks. But you feel very weak. I don't recommend. Celebrity Tao Zi did this and lost 6kg.

(Blow balloon) - This is the first time I hear it. To blow 10 a day and can bun your calories. Lazy way for the lazy bum! I like this.

大美人刘嘉玲公开了她的吃番薯减肥法,将什么时间吃饭、什么时间上厕所都做了精密的计算,她向记者透露,每天早上5时30分就开始吃一小碗饭、两个小番 薯、两种蔬菜!关键在于绝对不能吃任何肉类!其中维生素B1、B2的含量也分别是大米的6倍和3倍。许多人还没有意识到;以为吃红薯会使人发胖,据科学研究发现:红薯还是一种理想的减肥食品。所含的 热量比一般米饭低得多,因此吃后根本不必担心会发胖,反而还可起到减肥作用。由于吃红薯易产生饱腹感,所以无论是作为主食还是副食,都是不错的减肥食品
(Sweet potato diet) - I recommend. Good for digestion and full of vitamin B1, B2. Important for pregnant woman.

(Apple diet) - Hungry? Wanna snack? Eat apple. I recommend.

4.水是身体的 化学反应,消化作用与新城代谢最重要的元素。
5.水能向软垫般保护身体各细胞组织和有关润滑关节的 功能
6.水能调节身体的 体温。
(Drink water) - Very Important when you are dieting. Must drink more water especially during the day. Avoid night if you afraid of puffy eyes in the morning.

Weekend (Day 14)

Weekend is a killing time for dieting. I cannot let myself loose in the weekend but I'm very weak. There is always food surrounding me during the weekend from activities like seeing friends, home meeting and trying out new recipes. T.T . 2000cal is the daily intake for a normal woman. But for me to achieve my target weight I need to intake only <1000cal. No one will pity me. Just me so loving my foods and puds. I need something to stir me up! A girl at 55kg wants to slim to 50kg. Another at 47kg wants to slim to 45kg. I'm like what?!?! For me I just want to be at the lower end of my BMI. Everyone have their right with their body but careful not to diet too over until get sick.

Breakfast - 5 Strawberries (245cal)
Lunch - Dumpling noodle Soup + Chinese pineapple bun (669cal)
Snack - Soya bean pudding, Victoria sponge cake (485cal)
Dinner -

Total 1399cal

*Current BMI 22.7 (normal 18.5 - 24.9). Target to hit BMI 18.5 i.e. 11kg to lose.
*Current body fat - 32.7%
Here says my quota is 752cal a day to lose 0.9kg per week.

Saturday 10 July 2010

Weekend (Day 13)

Today there is home meeting at Vincent's place. No doubt my food intake will shoot up.

Lunch - Malaysian chicken & aubergine curry, steam rice, lettuce stir fry, a piece of pizza, few pieces of Taiwanese pepper flavour dry bean curd snacks, few pieces of German cookies, half vegetarian sausage, few grapes, 1 glass orange juice, 2 glasses orange soft drink (>2000cal)

Dinner - 2 pieces Pizza express pizza (526cal)

Very a loser! Total >2526cal

*Current BMI 22.7 (normal 18.5 - 24.9). Target to hit BMI 18.5 i.e. 11kg to lose.
*Current body fat - 32.7%
Here says my quota is 752cal a day to lose 0.9kg per week.

Tuesday 6 July 2010

Day 9 to Day 12

These days are time I'm working very hard and eating like normal.
No record of my food but just knowing I ate within 1000cal and working hard losing the calories. So all greens!

*Current BMI 22.7 (normal 18.5 - 24.9). Target to hit BMI 18.5 i.e. 11kg to lose.
*Current body fat - 32.7%
Here says my quota is 752cal a day to lose 0.9kg per week.

First Week Down 12 to Go (Day 8)

Breakfast - 500ml Herbalife soya milk protein shake (142.5cal)
Lunch - Celery & crab stick stir fry (100cal)
Dinner - Tesco crisp, Orange, Bean sprout & tomato stir fry wrapped in Vietnamese rice roll (326cal)

Total 568.6cal

*Current BMI 22.7 (normal 18.5 - 24.9). Target to hit BMI 18.5 i.e. 11kg to lose.
*Current body fat - 32.7%
Here says my quota is 752cal a day to lose 0.9kg per week.

Keep Updating (Day 7)

Breakfast - Oat & milk (160cal)
Lunch - Seafood paella (300cal)
Dinner - 2 Tesco crisps, Cereal & milk (377cal)
Total 837cal

*Current BMI 22.7 (normal 18.5 - 24.9). Target to hit BMI 18.5 i.e. 11kg to lose.
*Current body fat - 32.7%
Here says my quota is 752cal a day to lose 0.9kg per week.

Sunday 4 July 2010

Recover to Basic (Day 6)

Lunch - Fry egg, few seafood cocktails, a piece of brow toast, orange - 306cal
Dinner - Seafood paella + roast parsnip + coffee + peach - 537cal
Total 843cal

*Current BMI 22.7 (normal 18.5 - 24.9). Target to hit BMI 18.5 i.e. 11kg to lose.
*Current body fat - 32.7%
Here says my quota is 752cal a day to lose 0.9kg per week.

Saturday 3 July 2010

Naughty Naughty Naughty!!!! (Day 5)

Greggs sausage roll - 240cal
Few Doritos + dips - 604cal
a piece of ham & cheese pizza - 400cal
a plate of beef/celery stir fry, garlic prawn stir fry, cabbage/sweetcorn stir fry, luncheon meat/onion fry, rice - ~600cal
3 cream crakers + dips - 100cal
3 dried figs - 63cal
2 peaches - 76cal
half chicken/beef pastry - 300cal
half brownie - 94cal
Total 2477cal
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! over <2000 for a normal female calories needs

*Current BMI 22.7 (normal 18.5 - 24.9). Target to hit BMI 18.5 i.e. 11kg to lose.
*Current body fat - 32.7%
Here says my quota is 752cal a day to lose 0.9kg per week.

Friday 2 July 2010

Hooray! It's The Weekend (Day4)

but still need to "jie kou". Mandarin word meaning restrict yourself and only eat the good and low calories food.

What I have fed myself so far today
Total 1063.5cal
Breakfast - 500ml Herbalife soya milk protein shake (142.5cal)
Lunch - a small bowl Korean chinese cabbage & tofu soup (117cal)
Dinner - celery & beef stir fry has changed and become Indian curry chicken and aubergine curry stew (804cal).

As I was preparing this dinner suddenly received an emergency call from my friend. So we ate a bit of their dinner there. I hope she's better now. Surprisingly her baby actually fond for two of us.

Thursday 1 July 2010

Happy Mood Needed For Dieters (Day3)

What I have fed myself so far today
Total 708.5cal
Breakfast - 500ml Herbalife soya milk protein shake (142.5cal)
Lunch - a small bowl hot & chilli cabbage & chinese black fungus soup with sesame drizzle, 3 pieces of Andy's teriyaki chicken (245cal)
Dinner - a small bowl Korean chinese cabbage & tofu soup, 4 pieces fish fingers (321cal)

I thought I'm going beyond but it turns out green! Yah!

*Current BMI 22.7 (normal 18.5 - 24.9). Target to hit BMI 18.5 i.e. 11kg to lose.
*Current body fat - 32.7%
Here says my quota is 752cal a day to lose 0.9kg per week.

Wednesday 30 June 2010

Feeling Hungry Yet (Day 2)

Last night dinner was really light. Got a bit of craving for the junkies. Yet I pull through. Well done. Another day.

What I have fed myself so far today
Total 918.5cal =_= "
Breakfast - 500ml Herbalife soya milk protein shake (142.5cal)
Lunch - a handsize stir fried mince pork with capsicum pepper (326cal)

Snack - 1 cereal bar, a peach (128cal)
Dinner - a small bowl hot & chilli cabbage & chinese black fungus soup with sesame drizzle, 1 tesco value crisp, 2 pieces of Andy's teriyaki chicken (322cal)
Black Chinese fungus is very good especially for cleasing blood and improving blood fluidity. It can be easy bought from Chinese supermarket.

*Current BMI 22.7 (normal 18.5 - 24.9). Target to hit BMI 18.5 i.e. 11kg to lose.
*Current body fat - 32.7%
Here says my quota is 752cal a day to lose 0.9kg per week. That is ~ 13weeks from today to maintain. Woohooh!!!!

Tuesday 29 June 2010

I Want That Body (Day1)

This will be my slimming diary to keep a record of my eating and exercising record. I'm not fat but not slim too. I'm fed up of being in between and of course I'm thankful for not at the fat side. But I want to tone myself up more start from today. The blog will mainly record the food and its calories I have taken. And once in a while I will share things I find it useful from all the dieting website and videos and books etc..so something tried and tested from me to you. =) Plus I will show you how I prepare my low calories yummy food that you can make it too.

What I have fed myself today

Total 744.5cal

Breakfast - Herbalife soya milk protein shake (142.5cal)
Lunch - Fish soup rice porridge - 135cal (leftover from last night).
Snack - 2 Bran biscuits (128cal), 1 Chinese pineapple cake (100cal @_@)
Dinner - a peach, a pear, water melon, tesco value crisp - 239cal

*Current BMI 22.7 (normal 18.5 - 24.9). Target to hit BMI 18.5 i.e. 11kg to lose.
*Current body fat - 32.7%
Here says my quota is 752cal a day to lose 0.9kg per week. That is ~ 13weeks from today to maintain. Woohooh