Weight Lose Ticker

Sunday 11 July 2010

Weekend (Day 14)

Weekend is a killing time for dieting. I cannot let myself loose in the weekend but I'm very weak. There is always food surrounding me during the weekend from activities like seeing friends, home meeting and trying out new recipes. T.T . 2000cal is the daily intake for a normal woman. But for me to achieve my target weight I need to intake only <1000cal. No one will pity me. Just me so loving my foods and puds. I need something to stir me up! A girl at 55kg wants to slim to 50kg. Another at 47kg wants to slim to 45kg. I'm like what?!?! For me I just want to be at the lower end of my BMI. Everyone have their right with their body but careful not to diet too over until get sick.

Breakfast - 5 Strawberries (245cal)
Lunch - Dumpling noodle Soup + Chinese pineapple bun (669cal)
Snack - Soya bean pudding, Victoria sponge cake (485cal)
Dinner -

Total 1399cal

*Current BMI 22.7 (normal 18.5 - 24.9). Target to hit BMI 18.5 i.e. 11kg to lose.
*Current body fat - 32.7%
Here says my quota is 752cal a day to lose 0.9kg per week.

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