Weight Lose Ticker

Saturday 10 July 2010

Weekend (Day 13)

Today there is home meeting at Vincent's place. No doubt my food intake will shoot up.

Lunch - Malaysian chicken & aubergine curry, steam rice, lettuce stir fry, a piece of pizza, few pieces of Taiwanese pepper flavour dry bean curd snacks, few pieces of German cookies, half vegetarian sausage, few grapes, 1 glass orange juice, 2 glasses orange soft drink (>2000cal)

Dinner - 2 pieces Pizza express pizza (526cal)

Very a loser! Total >2526cal

*Current BMI 22.7 (normal 18.5 - 24.9). Target to hit BMI 18.5 i.e. 11kg to lose.
*Current body fat - 32.7%
Here says my quota is 752cal a day to lose 0.9kg per week.

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