Weight Lose Ticker

Wednesday 30 June 2010

Feeling Hungry Yet (Day 2)

Last night dinner was really light. Got a bit of craving for the junkies. Yet I pull through. Well done. Another day.

What I have fed myself so far today
Total 918.5cal =_= "
Breakfast - 500ml Herbalife soya milk protein shake (142.5cal)
Lunch - a handsize stir fried mince pork with capsicum pepper (326cal)

Snack - 1 cereal bar, a peach (128cal)
Dinner - a small bowl hot & chilli cabbage & chinese black fungus soup with sesame drizzle, 1 tesco value crisp, 2 pieces of Andy's teriyaki chicken (322cal)
Black Chinese fungus is very good especially for cleasing blood and improving blood fluidity. It can be easy bought from Chinese supermarket.

*Current BMI 22.7 (normal 18.5 - 24.9). Target to hit BMI 18.5 i.e. 11kg to lose.
*Current body fat - 32.7%
Here says my quota is 752cal a day to lose 0.9kg per week. That is ~ 13weeks from today to maintain. Woohooh!!!!

Tuesday 29 June 2010

I Want That Body (Day1)

This will be my slimming diary to keep a record of my eating and exercising record. I'm not fat but not slim too. I'm fed up of being in between and of course I'm thankful for not at the fat side. But I want to tone myself up more start from today. The blog will mainly record the food and its calories I have taken. And once in a while I will share things I find it useful from all the dieting website and videos and books etc..so something tried and tested from me to you. =) Plus I will show you how I prepare my low calories yummy food that you can make it too.

What I have fed myself today

Total 744.5cal

Breakfast - Herbalife soya milk protein shake (142.5cal)
Lunch - Fish soup rice porridge - 135cal (leftover from last night).
Snack - 2 Bran biscuits (128cal), 1 Chinese pineapple cake (100cal @_@)
Dinner - a peach, a pear, water melon, tesco value crisp - 239cal

*Current BMI 22.7 (normal 18.5 - 24.9). Target to hit BMI 18.5 i.e. 11kg to lose.
*Current body fat - 32.7%
Here says my quota is 752cal a day to lose 0.9kg per week. That is ~ 13weeks from today to maintain. Woohooh